Vote Alyssa Jones for President!
This one keeps us busy! Shout out to my husband, Alfonzo Jones II for helping her develop her campaign! This election year was interesting. She had a $15 budget, they can’t hand out flyers or candy and she had to submit receipts and an expense report! She submitted her application Wednesday, was chosen as a candidate Friday, then comes home and tells us that she has to have her entire campaign developed and ready by Monday! What a whirlwind AND she has to be prepped and ready to give her campaign speech by this Friday!
As a parent, you’ve got to be ready for whatever, whenever! Your original obligations don’t matter, you’ve got to fulfill previous commitments and you’ve got to come through for your child! But we’ve got this! Parenting can certainly test your limits, but after you’ve moved around meetings, made wal-mart trips to pickup supplies in between jobs, given the kid your phone so she can google campaign ideas while you work, then handed her off to her Dad (because he’s really the creative one) while you prepare dinner, you sit down to exhale for just a second, then you look up and see this ….
You’re one proud Momma! Every second of that drama was WORTH IT!
I’ll be honest I was extremely frustrated with the Friday’s news that I had to make sure this campaign was complete by Monday, my weekend was JAM PACKED! My first response was to freak out, but what would that accomplish? Break downs are huge investments of energy and the work STILL has to be completed. So I took a deep breath, got myself together, developed a plan and began to execute! No break down required, I just needed a plan!
Second, I had to realize that I wasn’t alone, Everyone that knows me knows that I love my “Super Woman” Tee, but the super woman mentality needs to be checked often! There was no need for me to add her project to my already insane “to do” list! Her father was ready, able and willing, it was time to delegate! As women we act like we get some sort of shiney metal for doing it ALL, but why do it all yourself when you have help! My hubby and I know our strengths. I’m the organizer, he’s a great executioner. I can organize the entire day, put all necesary materials in place, then TAG, YOU’RE IT BRO, and he takes it from there!
Honestly, after dinner, when I saw they were ok, I went upstairs, nestled into my bed and caught up on Grey’s Anatomy!
Love you family! You can manage this crazy life, without killing yourself in the process! Pursue Balance, Pursue Peace, Pursue YOU!
I dedicate this post to My Life Partner, Mr. Alfonzo Jones II! We’re always a work in progress, but we’re the Dream Team! #TEAMJones